Discharge Instruction Condensed

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No driving, operating heavy machinery, or alcohol consumption while taking prescription pain medications

Continue over-the-counter stool softeners while taking narcotic pain medications

Diet: Will need adequate daily caloric intake to optimize wound healing. Supplement with over the counter Ensure nutritional protein shakes as needed.

Wound care: TWICE daily clean all wounds with soap/water and change all dressings/packing.

No soaking wounds in tubs/pool/body of water until skin closed over wound.

No heavy lifting over 20lbs x 4 weeks postop.

No activity more strenuous than a brisk walk for 2 weeks.

Continue incentive spirometer breathing exercises (10 breaths every hour while awake) x 2 weeks.

Keep extremity elevated with the hand/foot above the level of the heart/highest point in order to reduce swelling and pain.

Pneumothorax / chest tube: No air travel, scuba diving, or contact sports for minimum 8 weeks; no smoking

Solid organ precautions: No contact sports or high risk activity for blunt abdominal trauma x 8 weeks.

Return to ED if any fever/chills, headache, vision change, nausea/vomiting, worsening pain, swelling, drainage/pus/bleeding from postop site, numbness/tingling, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, or any other concerning change in status.

Call to schedule follow up with trauma surgery in 2 weeks for staple removal/wound check/postop follow up.

If anything you’re doing feels like it’s pulling or tugging at your wounds, please stop.

Follow up with your surgeon for clearance to return to work.

Please feel free to call the trauma surgery clinic with questions/concerns.

Call to schedule follow up within 2 weeks postop.

Follow up with your primary care physician within 1-2 weeks post-discharge to notify of recent hospitalization and continued medical management/routine surveillance.
